Monday , September 16th , 2024  

Akur8 lève 120 millions de dollars en série C pour accélérer la croissance de sa plateforme actuarielle nouvelle génération

PARIS et LONDRES et NEW YORK, 16 sept. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Akur8, la plateforme de tarification assurantielle et de reserving basée sur le machine learning, a annoncé aujourd'hui qu'elle avait obtenu un financement de 120 millions de dollars en série C, ce qui porte son investissement total à 180 millions de dollars. Ce dernier tour de table a été...

Akur8 Secures $120 Million in Series C Round to Accelerate Growth of its Next Generation Actuarial Platform

PARIS and LONDON and NEW YORK, Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Akur8, the machine learning–powered insurance pricing and reserving platform, announced today that it has secured $120 million in series C funding, bringing its total raised investment to $180 million. This latest funding round was led by One Peak, a leading growth equity firm investing in software scale–ups, with...

Akur8 capta 120 milhões de dólares em Série C para acelerar o crescimento da sua plataforma atuarial de ponta

PARIS e LONDRES e NOVA YORK, Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Akur8, plataforma de precificação e provisões técnicas de seguros baseada em aprendizado de máquina, anunciou hoje que garantiu US$ 120 milhões em financiamento Série C, elevando seu investimento total para US$ 180 milhões. Essa última rodada de financiamento foi liderada...

Young People from Around the World Invited to Create Innovative Solutions to Sustainable Development Goal-focused Challenges

NEW YORK, NY, Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Interested in solving some of the biggest challenges humanity faces? Starting today, young people ages 5 to 24 can compete for prizes in the annual World Series of Innovation (WSI), presented by the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) and Aramco. Prizes range in value from $300 to $1,500 with challenges focused on advancing the UN Sustainable...

Keegan McGregor nommé Meilleur Barman de l’année au World Class, concours de cocktails le plus prestigieux au monde

SHANGHAI, 16 sept. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le canadien Keegan McGregor s’est vu décerner le titre convoité de Meilleur Barman de l’année 2024 au World Class, concours de cocktails le plus important au monde, qui s’est cette année tenu à Shanghai. Lors de cette célébration annuelle de la culture cosmopolite du cocktail, face...

Größter Cocktail-Wettbewerb der Welt ernennt Keegan McGregor zum World Class Global Bartender of the Year

SHANGHAI, Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Keegan McGregor aus Kanada ist beim weltgrößten Cocktail–Wettbewerb, der dieses Jahr in Shanghai stattgefunden hat, mit dem begehrten Titel des „World Class Global Bartender of the Year 2024“ ausgezeichnet worden. Keegan McGregor trat gegen Finalisten aus 44 Regionen auf der ganzen Welt an, die sich über sechs Kontinente...

A maior competição de coquetéis do mundo nomeia Keegan McGregor como World Class Global Bartender of the Year

XANGAI, Sept. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Keegan McGregor, do Canadá, recebeu o cobiçado título World Class Global Bartender of the Year de 2024 na maior competição de coquetéis do mundo, celebrada em Xangai este ano. Competindo contra finalistas de 44 regiões ao redor do mundo, abrangendo seis continentes, Keegan McGregor foi nomeado o vencedor...

International Day of Democracy

By External SourceSep 14 2024 (IPS-Partners)   Democracy is as much a process as a goal. For the ideal of Democracy to be enjoyed by everyone, it requires participation and support. The international community, national governing bodies, civil society, and individuals – all have a part to play. By upholding free speech, civil liberties, and the rule of law. By ensuring institutions...

A Deriv foi distinguida com o prémio “Best Customer Support” nos Global Forex Awards

A filosofia da Deriv, centrada no cliente, garantiu–lhe o prémio de “Best Customer Support” nos Global Forex Awards, coincidindo com a celebração dos seus 25 anos a capacitar traders. O ano de 2024 tem sido um ano de grandes conquistas para a Deriv, que, no início do ano, arrecadou os prémios de “Most Trusted Broker”, “Best Trading...

‘Best Customer Support’ : le prix du Global Forex Awards qui honore Deriv

La philosophie de Deriv axée sur le client lui vaut le prix ‘Best Customer Support’ au Global Forex Awards, coïncidant ainsi avec la célébration de sa 25e année au service des traders. 2024 est l’année des récompenses pour Deriv, qui, plus tôt dans l’année, a remporté les prix ‘Most Trusted Broker’,...